2020 Gallery of Paintings and Sketches |
| | Click an image to enlarge  This gallery contains all works created during 2020. **Please note: All paintings are sold unframed. The artist retains reproduction rights on all paintings/sketches/images created purchased and purchased.  When sister's detest one another, the feud can get ugly. $300
 He tolerated the ostrich type people who arrived from deep space. But what drove him nuts was how they always bummed ... $300
 She could dissappear from the world, but not the words that echoed in her head, especially the the scathing words, uttered b... $300
 Unwelcome Whispers. $300
 The only thing the outer space ostrich type creatures liked better than cigarettes, was watching humans engage in their.... $300
 The man on the 8th floor ledge can only hear the crowed below. Not the faces of the concerned or the grinning hyenas hungry ... $300
 With their world shattering around them, they gather to contemplate the best of the bad options that lay before them. © 2020 B $300
 When the seeds of anger burst into life. $300
 The Sorrow of Compassion 1 of 3 © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 9 x 12 watercolor and pen on watercolor paper. $300
 The Sorrow of Compassion 2 of 3 $300
 The Sorrow of Compassion 3 of 3 $300
 Soot stained, the survivors wander away from their burning city, the cries of the dying clinging to their ears. $300
 During the cold cruel month of November, trees write poetry of loss and longing on the inside of their bark, were their sap weep $300
 After wandering the forgotten lands, it was impossible to tell were the land ended and he began, as the two had blended into... $300
 Although he could almost pass for human, he was constantly contemplating their nature, so he could better fit in. $300
 She listens to the screams of burning lemon trees which feels like her innards are being scraped clean by a spoon. $300
 She tries and fails, to remember the woman she once was. $300
 During her evening walks, she feels like the wolf with all its hunger $300
 He weeps and moans as he stands before the five open graves of his family. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #1. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #2. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #3. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #4. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #5. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #6. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #7. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #8. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #9. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #10. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #11. $165
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Exploring the beauty of loss and longing within the landscape of flesh and emotion: The paintings of Duane Kirby Jensen RSS | Sitemap |