2020 Gallery of Paintings and Sketches |
| | Click an image to enlarge  This gallery contains all works created during 2020. **Please note: All paintings are sold unframed. The artist retains reproduction rights on all paintings/sketches/images created purchased and purchased.  The slow disintegrating of identity #12. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #13.  The slow disintegrating of identity #14. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #15.  The slow disintegrating of identity #16. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #17. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #18. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 5.5 x 8.5 watercolor and pen on watercolor paper. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #19. $165
 The slow disintegrating of identity #20.  The Evening of Falling Squirrels. $300
 The hollowing of the unenlightened American mind as its genetics descend into oblivion #1. $165
 The hollowing of the unenlightened American mind as its genetics descend into oblivion #2. $165
 The hollowing of the unenlightened American mind as its genetics descend into oblivion #3. $165
 The hollowing of the unenlightened American mind as its genetics descend into oblivion #4. $165
 The hollowing of the unenlightened American mind as its genetics descend into oblivion #5. $165
 The hollowing of the unenlightened American mind as its genetics descend into oblivion #6. $175
 Ghost Poet $25
 Ghost Listener 1  Ghost Listener 2  Ghost Listener 3  Ghost Listener 4  Ghost Listener 5  Ghost Listener 6  Ghost Poet 2  Ghost Poet 3  Ghost Poet 4  Ghost Poet 5  Ghost Poet 7  Ghost Poet 8  Ghost Poet 9 Be the first to post a comment.
Exploring the beauty of loss and longing within the landscape of flesh and emotion: The paintings of Duane Kirby Jensen RSS | Sitemap |