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This gallery contains all works created during 2020.
**Please note: All paintings are sold unframed.
The artist retains reproduction rights on all paintings/sketches/images created purchased and purchased.
All Paintings in this album © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen.

The first Long Neck to fall ill from to much human contact. With each moment more of its mind drifts away.
The first Long Neck to fall ill from to much human contact. With each moment more of its mind drifts away.

Even the Long Necks have uncomfortable conversations.
Even the Long Necks have uncomfortable conversations.

In the wild country, wolves fill the night with their sorrow.
In the wild country, wolves fill the night with their sorrow.

He laid flowers, somewhere between dead and dying, over her photo, then contemplated the death of love.
He laid flowers, somewhere between dead and dying, over her photo, then contemplated the death of love.

At night, its hard to avoid confronting the ugliness in the world.
At night, its hard to avoid confronting the ugliness in the world.

The lonesome tree dreams of a fathering of crows. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 5 x 7 ink wipe on yupo medium
The lonesome tree dreams of a fathering of crows. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 5 x 7 ink wipe on yupo medium

When the world no long makes sense.
When the world no long makes sense.


Discarded into a burnt-out wasteland, and forced to confront their own sense of self, they realize the bleakness of such an end
Discarded into a burnt-out wasteland, and forced to confront their own sense of self, they realize the bleakness of such an end

The serenity found at Rabbit Ear bluff, rejuvenates my spirit.
The serenity found at Rabbit Ear bluff, rejuvenates my spirit.

Contemplating the fall of city, who, 10 years prior, was a thriving metropolis that did not believe in social justice.
Contemplating the fall of city, who, 10 years prior, was a thriving metropolis that did not believe in social justice.

Longing for a new life...and an end to his internal screams and tears.
Longing for a new life...and an end to his internal screams and tears.

Uncertainty and resolution at the end of the world.
Uncertainty and resolution at the end of the world.

After the fires have burned the world black, only one person remains, who now waits for their own moment to die.
After the fires have burned the world black, only one person remains, who now waits for their own moment to die.

Together at the end of the world. A Love Story.
Together at the end of the world. A Love Story.

... and the flames continue to consume...
... and the flames continue to consume...

The emptiness one finds in the dark.
The emptiness one finds in the dark.

Tranquility in the land of amphibians and fowl.
Tranquility in the land of amphibians and fowl.

Next stop, the edge of the world...
Next stop, the edge of the world...

In these sloping green hills. One has the opportunity to relax and breathe slowly.
In these sloping green hills. One has the opportunity to relax and breathe slowly.

As the world explodes, he fights with firce rage to hold a small chunk of it for poets and artist and chefs who support the...
As the world explodes, he fights with firce rage to hold a small chunk of it for poets and artist and chefs who support the...

In the quiet isolation of green hills and soft breezes, the mind can wander through enchanted places that are hidden to...
In the quiet isolation of green hills and soft breezes, the mind can wander through enchanted places that are hidden to...

The aftermath of the storm continues to linger on the sky, while the meadow air feels fresh with renewal.
The aftermath of the storm continues to linger on the sky, while the meadow air feels fresh with renewal.

Days after the November election, they watch the world burn. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 5 x 7 ink wipe on yupo medium.
Days after the November election, they watch the world burn. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 5 x 7 ink wipe on yupo medium.

He wanders the city streets seeking signs of other humans, but finding no one. He is alone. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 6 x 15
He wanders the city streets seeking signs of other humans, but finding no one. He is alone. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 6 x 15

Sunrise over the Cascades.
Sunrise over the Cascades.

Always the outsider, he is constantly befuddled by human interaction and desire.
Always the outsider, he is constantly befuddled by human interaction and desire.

As one civilization falls, another rises in its place.
As one civilization falls, another rises in its place.

Looking to the stars for answers.
Looking to the stars for answers.

The whole wide world.
The whole wide world.

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