2020 Gallery of Paintings and Sketches |
| | Click an image to enlarge  This gallery contains all works created during 2020. **Please note: All paintings are sold unframed. The artist retains reproduction rights on all paintings/sketches/images created purchased and purchased.  The first Long Neck to fall ill from to much human contact. With each moment more of its mind drifts away. $300
 Even the Long Necks have uncomfortable conversations. $300
 In the wild country, wolves fill the night with their sorrow. $300
 He laid flowers, somewhere between dead and dying, over her photo, then contemplated the death of love. $300
 At night, its hard to avoid confronting the ugliness in the world. $150
 The lonesome tree dreams of a fathering of crows. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 5 x 7 ink wipe on yupo medium  When the world no long makes sense. $150
 Emptiness. $150
 Discarded into a burnt-out wasteland, and forced to confront their own sense of self, they realize the bleakness of such an end $150
 The serenity found at Rabbit Ear bluff, rejuvenates my spirit. $150
 Contemplating the fall of city, who, 10 years prior, was a thriving metropolis that did not believe in social justice. $150
 Longing for a new life...and an end to his internal screams and tears. $150
 Uncertainty and resolution at the end of the world. $150
 After the fires have burned the world black, only one person remains, who now waits for their own moment to die. $150
 Together at the end of the world. A Love Story. $150
 ... and the flames continue to consume... $150
 The emptiness one finds in the dark. $300
 Tranquility in the land of amphibians and fowl. $150
 Next stop, the edge of the world... $150
 In these sloping green hills. One has the opportunity to relax and breathe slowly. $150
 As the world explodes, he fights with firce rage to hold a small chunk of it for poets and artist and chefs who support the... $300
 In the quiet isolation of green hills and soft breezes, the mind can wander through enchanted places that are hidden to... $150
 The aftermath of the storm continues to linger on the sky, while the meadow air feels fresh with renewal. $150
 Days after the November election, they watch the world burn. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 5 x 7 ink wipe on yupo medium. $150
 He wanders the city streets seeking signs of other humans, but finding no one. He is alone. © 2020 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 6 x 15 $300
 Sunrise over the Cascades. $150
 Always the outsider, he is constantly befuddled by human interaction and desire. $150
 As one civilization falls, another rises in its place. $400
 Looking to the stars for answers. $150
 The whole wide world. $150
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Exploring the beauty of loss and longing within the landscape of flesh and emotion: The paintings of Duane Kirby Jensen RSS | Sitemap |