As you feel yourself being pulled in all directions, as if you were as pliable as gumby, then you hear three raccoons, ...
As you feel yourself being pulled in all directions, as if you were as pliable as gumby, then you hear three raccoons, ...


As you feel yourself being pulled in all directions, as if you were as pliable as gumby, then you hear three raccoons, with Russian accents, singing Ring Around the Rosie....
© 2019 By Duane Kirby Jensen,
9 x 12 watercolor, ink, and graphite on watercolor paper

PreviousAs he watches himself die over and over, he was unsure if he is trapped in a nightmare, or if he was losing his mind.To escape the nightmare, he stepped through the blue wall with the promise of a new life in a new world... only to find a....Next


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