When the glorious gluttons, eager for a unique flavor, inhaled the salty sweet sweat of poor Henry, they turned carnivorous.....
When the glorious gluttons, eager for a unique flavor, inhaled the salty sweet sweat of poor Henry, they turned carnivorous.....


When the glorious gluttons, eager for a unique flavor, inhaled the salty sweet sweat of poor Henry, they turned carnivorous... peeling away Henry's flesh as if he were a banana.
© 2018 By Duane Kirby Jensen,
9 x 12 watercolor, ink, acrylic, and graphite on watercolor paper.

PreviousOne of the glorious gluttons broke from the crowd, eager to chomp down on one of the jugglers fin-friends ....Saddened by years of gazing over an ocean of dust, Wolf-ridge attempts to bite away a chuck of fire from a sun that has ...Next


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