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The nature of being human
Manikin Dreams: What is it to be human? Is it to be more then flesh and bone? More then red liquid pumping through veins? Is it thought, laughter, the ability to love, to sing, to dance, to dream? Or is it empathy: to feel the joy and sorrow of others? Is it the willingness to shed water, to sacrifice ones own flesh?
Is it the ability to question? How can a disassembled mannikin ever dare to think, to breathe, to dream of of nimble movement, to gaze into the eternal silence and return with knowledge of the self? Is being human the ability to give form to something new that was only imagined? To create complex ideas? Or, is humanity the act of questioning the nature of the self?
Is it possessing a soul? The ability to have faith in something greater then ones self, or the exercise of free will to deny fealty and chose ones own path?
As this series expands, it may become the base for a book.
Duane Kirby Jensen
Please note: All paintings are sold unframed.
The artist retains reproduction rights on all paintings/sketches/images created purchased and purchased.
All Paintings in this album © 2011 By
Duane Kirby Jensen.

Mannikin Dreams
Contact for price

Mannikin Dreams (Panel 1/3)

Study /sketch for Mannikin Dreams:

Mannikin Dreams (Panel 2/3)

Mannikin Dreams (Panel 3/3)

Study /sketch for Caged Desire.

Mannikin Dreams: Caged Desire

Sketches for Mannikin Dreams and Despair

Study /sketch for Ambiguity of Identity: View finished painting elsewhere in album.

Mannikin Dreams: Ambiguity of Identity

Sketches for Mannikin Dreams and Despair

The Chaos of Assemblage

The Lingering Sadness:

Stolen Moments:

Dead Heads:



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