She looks towards the moon and tries to remember the dreams she once had, as the 3:17 freight trains’ whistle sounds, just.....
She looks towards the moon and tries to remember the dreams she once had, as the 3:17 freight trains’ whistle sounds, just.....


She looks towards the moon and tries to remember the dreams she once had, as the 3:17 freight trains’ whistle sounds, just before disappearing into the Hewett Avenue tunnel, bound for Chicago.
© 2007 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 

15 x 20, ink on watercolor paper

PreviousAfter turning her back on the lights of the city for him, she discovers herself and begins to blend into the painted desert.....Behind the Blue Door Lay the World Hobbes Always Feared Would Emerge. Within the Slow Swirls of Smoke, Signe Finds a Few ...Next


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miss pickle may have arms like that, but she is no smoker
-- Rene Diedrich, 8/4/10